Archive for the ‘Good Friday’ Category


Good Friday

April 7, 2007

Good Friday services aren’t really done in the independent Christian Churches very often.  This year, I decided to do one.  We really didn’t know what to expect, but all in all it went pretty well.  One of the Elders said that at anything on a Friday night in the past would pull in maybe a dozen people.  We had about 80 for the service tonight.  We have been running in the 130’s the past several weeks, so I feel that was good response!

I tried to stay away from people after the service, because I didn’t want the empty platitudes, I wanted them to be meditating on what Jesus actually went through for them.

I stole the idea for the sermon from Terry Bowland at Ozark Christian College!  He had said in class one day that “There they crucified Him” would make a great 4 point sermon, and sure enough it does!

  1. There – The most unholy place
  2. They – The most unholy people
  3. Crucified – The most unholy death
  4. Him – The most Holy Person!

I gave each person a carpenter’s nail as a reminder of the spikes that were driven into the hands and feet of Jesus to take on our sin. 

I hope people encountered God!